Friday, May 23, 2008

A Son's Love

Spring flowers everywhere, including dandelions! My son preferred the purple ones that look like little balls on a stick. He brought me a handful of them! I do have a flower bed full of these Grape Hyacinth and at first was surprised, thinking that is where he got them. I asked where he found these and he said " In the grass part of the yard", and he pointed over towards the side of the house. There were more over there all scattered out with the grass! Then he says " you have some in the flower bed but those I can't give you." AAwwww!!!!

The Lone Tulip

Four years ago I planted a huge 100 bulb bag of yellow daffodils on the edges of my flowerbeds and by out gate rock. This year I was given a huge surprise. Out of all those daffodils a pink tulip popped up! It is surrounded by faded yellow blooms and green foliage of it's neighbors.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rainy Day's Sunset

It has been a busy, wet, cold spring. Seems things are getting a start on renewal in a slow, round about sort of way. This weekend the local lakes and rivers are expected to crest from the winter run off, and they are already well above the flooding levels. Saturday, you can find me with my camera capturing the historical event for this past winter was a record snowfall here in North Idaho.
We have added a few new members to our family, you have already met our blued eyed horse and now it is time to introduce a dapple gray mare named Coco. She is 7 years old, and a quarter/arabian. She has been the one used most often in 4-H riding meetings over the past month allowing our daughter to learn so much and building her confidence on horseback. Coco is very headstrong and likes things to be direct and correct, and if you mix up the commands she has been trained to, she will let you know. Our daughter already went for a crow-hopping 20 second ride!