Saturday, March 22, 2008

a blue eyed horse

he looks a little goofy
kinda spooky
but the colors really cool
or i'm just a fool.....

Actually, this horse now belongs to my daughter,
saving up many money gifts, helping with chores
and being responsible with her animals.
His name is Trooper, he's a 7 year old
quarter/connermara gelding, stands 15 hands
and really loves cob!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Rella - was named by my then 2 year old daughter 11 years ago. Why Rella? That's how she said Cinderella, and it was a spur of the moment decision at the vet office on check up day. I said to Erika, "The puppy needs a name. What should we call her?" With the hugest smile and a bounce off the bench, Erika shouts "Rella!" So Rella it became.

Rella is now 11 years old. I am amazed she is doing so well and still so active. She is a shar-pei/lab and has a very protective personality. She stands her ground to other dominant dogs and has helped raise many playful puppies. She survived an in-home daycare for 2 years, a divorce, a roommate, a move to southern Idaho and back, being hit by a van, and a bout of parvo when she was 9 weeks old.

Just recently Rella is showing definite signs of aging. She has signs of an auto-immune disorder that is causing atrophy to the jaw muscles on the right side of her head. Her only symptom of it is a lopsided head, you can definitely feel when you pet her head, and her cheek bone seems so prominent. She does not have signs of pain, decreased appetite or activity.

I hope Rella can stay comfortable and happy as long as possible!

Winter Moon

In January, before some heavy snows fell here, I ventured out into my front yard to capture some images of the still night. It was so still out, the only sounds were the occasional breaking branch from the cold. I set up in a few spots and with a 16 second shutter took several shots before my fingers and camera froze. I absolutely love the stars!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

For My Mom!

As it probably is to everyone, I owe my mom a gigantic never ending thank you!
I wanted to post her pictures she shared with me, taken on my birthday this year
of the wildlife that frequent her home.
As you will be able to see with these photos, she has the
photographer's eye! She is creative and
talented! I've always looked up to her since I can remember,
I do think I always will.

For the Blogs!!!!! I've decided to join finally!

Hello! I'm Elena aka Rockin E Photography, based in North Idaho. Rockin E has captured local musicians, Fair and 4-H activities, nature scenes, portraits, parties, wildlife, and macro photography. Rockin E has made is subtle start in the fall of 2006 and has been expanding portfolio since! After starting up my photog stuff on myspace, I have decided to broaden my virtual horizons by joining blogger! I hope to reach out to others interested in photography, or even those that are looking for someone to do photography for them! I'll post another blog after I click around on this site to figure it out. To see more of my photos, please do take look at my page on myspace... , there you will be able to link to my page.